11 กรกฎาคม 2554

The applicable comprehensive plan

           Comprehensive plan will come into force by regulation. For a period of not more than 5 years, and on what time shall use the comprehensive plan will expire. Department of Public Works and Town and Country Planning, the Board will consider whether revised or not, in the absence of the District Plan. Or no change of land use (no change), Department of Public Works and Planning will host a conference to listen to public opinion, not less than 1 if there is no objection to the approval of the plan, it can be extended. the application of the comprehensive plan to continue it for 5 years.
               For a comprehensive plan that would require changes in flow or changes in land use (change), but the Department of Public Works and Town & Country could not immediately be resolved within the time prescribed, shall expire. With the approval of the Planning Commission can extend the application of the comprehensive plan can not eat two times a year.

The Department of Public Works and Planning.